Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental
Wing - Experimental

Wing - Experimental

Regular price ¥1,769.00 Sale

Our wing is purpose built for the RD1 series rebreather, though can be used with other systems. Includes a LP inflator hose.


  • Ruggedized fabric embedded polyurethane material.
  • Shape is reminiscent of sidemount wings, promoting horizontal trim when carrying side slung cylinders.
  • By reducing the upper profile, back mounted counterlungs are not restricted.
  • Inflation hose may be run around the left side, or over the shoulder.
  • Stainless steel affixing hardware is user-placeable to fine tune positioning adjustments.
  • The harness webbing (shoulders & waste) is fixed within the stainless links for ease of removal/replacement.
  • If used, crotch strap slips through the lower stainless slide.